Information for the BGP anomaly project has been added to the portfolio. The suite is a functional diagnostic tool in its current state, but improvements are being discussed.

Moving forward, we would like to focus primarily on autonomous system paths. Due to the size of RIB tables, finding AS paths for a given ASN takes too much time. The expanded iteration will be parallelized to reduce the overhead involved in comparing RIB table data for both IPv4 and IPv6.

For now, the traceroute components of the project have been refined and wrapped by an improved batch script.

for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (output.txt) do %%A

IF "%1"=="-diag" (
	for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (output.txt) do %%A

The updated script allows for an optional diagnostic update immediately following the traceroute to the last domain scraped from Alexa’s top 500 websites. Platform validation was also added to ensure portability, but the subprocceses can be threaded to reduce the time spent on each domain.

current_platform = platform.platform()

if current_platform[0] == 'W':
	bytes_for_six = subprocess.check_output(["tracert", "-6", dest])
	bytes_for_four = subprocess.check_output(["tracert", "-4", dest])
	bytes_for_six  = subprocess.check_output(["traceroute6", dest])
	bytes_for_four = subprocess.check_output(["traceroute", dest])

string_for_six = bytes_for_six.decode('utf-8')
string_for_four = bytes_for_four.decode('utf-8')

six_list = parse_trace(string_for_six)
four_list = parse_trace(string_for_four)